Friday, August 25, 2023

The 50th Reunion - The Dinner Tables

OK, we admit it. We forgot to take group photos. Sigh.

Luckily, you can't have a banquet without a photo of all of the dinner tables. Here are the photos from the Saturday night reunion; click on the individual shots to increase the size.

Click on "older post" below to take a look at other reunion activities. There are four such posts. It's a little tough to identify so many people here, but we've started the process. 

Chris Bailey, Scott Roth, Frank Sausner, John O'Hare
Suzanne Bodie, Cheryl Suess Hallman, Barb Cutt, Jeff Deal
Michelle Mangano Hosier, Steve Kies, Norm Schueckler, Jo Ann Azzarello, Budd Bailey, Tim Cashmore, Julie Kreher Porter, Tim Porter
John Salzyn, Dale & Joe Kody,

Pat Tunkey, Clay Massey & Yvonne Massey Kaplan
Kathy Ernst, Don Smith

Gretchen Preve, Coni Gilmour, Greg & Eileen Wolmering, Marshall and Dian Andrews, Tim McNally.
Denny Miller, Karen Roth, Kathy Herle McCarthy
Kim Patterson Fassel, Donna Kothen, Karen Stollsteimer, Bill Irr, Valerie Braun Warren, Tom Herberger, Lynn Pfoltzer

The 50th Reunion - Day Three

The survivors of Saturday night gathered late Sunday morning for a fine breakfast in Clarence. We'll have to wait and see when everyone gathers again. 


The 50th Reunion - Day Two

In the early afternoon, John O'Hare led a bunch of us on a tour of downtown Buffalo. Then at 5 p.m., many gathered at the Pierce Arrow Museum for dinner and conversation. 

The 50th Reunion - Day One

This featured a tour of the school, a visit to Duff's for lunch at Eastern Hills Mall (it may not be there in five years), and an evening at the concert "Rock the Barn" on Main Street in Clarence. Here are some photos:

(Budd donated a copy of his books to the Clarence school system, and some were in the high school library. He couldn't resist making them a bit more visible.